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The Counteroffensive: What the Trump shooting could mean for Ukraine

Editor’s Note: This article was published by the twice-weekly newsletter “The Counteroffensive with Tim Mak” on July 14, 2024, and has been re-published by the Kyiv Independent with permission. To subscribe to “The Counteroffensive,” click here.
The assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump on July 14 sent shockwaves around the world and fueled speculation about how it would influence the U.S. presidential election campaign. Here’s how the breaking news will affect Russia’s war in Ukraine:
Trump’s popularity is likely to surge.
It will drown out news about Ukraine.
There will be a less confident U.S. on the world stage.
Trump will become more vengeful and paranoid.
The shooting in Pennsylvania portends terrible developments to come for both the U.S. and Ukraine — not to mention the rest of the free world.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in the op-ed section are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the views of the Kyiv Independent.
