Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



How important is the ozone layer?

In the 1980s, the ozone layer — or lack of it — loomed large in the public imagination, as scientists warned its continued destruction could be catastrophic for humanity and the planet.  That warning led to what is seen as…

Vaping: How Ireland fought the nicotine nightmare

Strawberry Bubblegum. Caramel Lollipop. Gummy Bear. They sound like sweets. They’re packaged like sweets. But these are vape flavours that, just a few months ago, children were as legally entitled to buy here as a tube of Smarties. It was…

No cancer danger from mobile phones, research concludes

You might have heard speculation that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and wireless technologies is dangerous. The radio waves wireless technologies transmit are very weak. They do not have enough energy to damage DNA and are very unlikely to cause cancer. Nevertheless,…
